“在东方与西方之间”——当代水城| Marghera, 威尼斯


项目地点:意大利/ Marghera

项目规模: Marghera工业区

Chief Architect /Wang Jianfeng

Location / Marghera ,Italy

Scale / Industrial zone in Marghera 


1. 规划区域与城市主体之间的交通体系关系(陆地/水路)
2. 区域当前所存在的问题以及设计希望创作怎样一个状态的城市?
3. 如何创造一个当代的“威尼斯“(当代水城)? 通过哪些城市要素实现?
4. 哪里是城市的机动车系统? 哪里是城市的步行慢性系统? 哪里是水?
5. 建筑和水的关系是怎样的?(研究威尼斯和中国园林)
6. 城市建筑的空间组织序列如何?

This project aims to create a con-temporary water city by replanning and urban design of MARGHERA, a major industrial area in Venice. Therefore, through the study of Venice as a traditional water city and the reflection on the contemporary urban problems, this paper attempts to reconstruct a real water city with a long history of chronic urban system and a changeable rapid system.

The following elements are considered in the design:
1. Traffic system relationship between planned areas and urban subjects (land/water)
2. The current problems in the region and what kind of city do you want to create?
3. How to create a contemporary "Venice"? Through which urban elements?
4. Where is the city's motor vehicle system? Where is the city's pedestrian chronic system? Where is water?
5. What is the relationship between architecture and water? (study in Venetian and Chinese gardens)
6. What is the spatial organization sequence of urban architecture?

How to create “a contemporary Venice”?      Venice+Metropolis=?   Analysis of the elements of the new city

What is the relationship between the building and the water?  Research on Venice  From the Section